
Ahead Cameroon 2016 final : Falcons get hostile reception in Yaounde

NIGERIA’S Super Falcons after a near crash on the trip to Yaounde for Saturday’s final received a hostile re- ception on their arrival against hosts Cameroon.
Falcons earned their ticket to the final of the 2016 AWCON after beat- ing South Africa 1 – 0 in their semi- final duel on Tuesday. It will now be a battle between the cup holders and hosts when Nigeria face Cameroon in the last battle for the cup.
The country’s senior women ar- rived in batches to a noisy and hostile welcome in Cameroon’s capital. A team official expressed disappoint- ment at the flight frustration suffered moving to Yaounde on Wednesday after a tiring game against South Africa on Tuesday.
 “Honestly, it was a terrible experience and we are disap- pointed. The environment was hostile and the LOC mapped out plans to frustrate us,” an official told
“They communicated our schedule to us which stated departure for 9am from Douala airport, we left Buea at 5.30am and the players couldn’t sleep after a stressful match-day.
“They abandoned us at the airport and we waited for about six hours before the first batch could travel by air. The most shocking moment was how hostile the Cameroonians were at the airport.
“The second batch later traveled by road after a technical is- sue with the aircraft, we board- ed and the flight started smoking. We had to run for our lives and traveled by road to Yaounde, we are disappointed.
“Nigerians shouldn’t panic, we are aware of the antics and the plans to frustrate the group. How- ever, this is the moment we need our High Commission and the Federation to give us adequate support. It will be a col- lective effort to conquer the hosts and we are determined to win.”
A Super Falcons player who spoke on anonymity, lamented the hostile reception by the hosts’ city dwellers, insisting they are more determined than ever to retain the title.


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